Friday 9 November 2018

Here's a Banned TV Christmas Advert

I'm not currently parked in a zone where I can shop at Iceland, but when I read on Twitter that their Christmas ad was banned, I wondered why - and I fail to understand why anyone would decide to ban this ad.

If we don't take better care of Mother Earth, most living creatures will die a horrible death all too soon.
If this was banned to not upset greedy bipeds who, from their desks, thousands of miles away from the places they order reaped apart, could object to being named and shamed (but they're not named and shamed in this ad; only the abject practice of destroying things to make more money is denounced), it just shows that some people are just spineless.

This ad could show some people - and children - how wrong most palm oil is.
There's nothing wrong with people caring and shopping responsibly.

I want to believe* that most bipeds can be better than greedy beasts (especially if properly educated)...

*: I'm probably way too optimistic...I know...