Tuesday 25 June 2013

On My Wall of Praise (#2)

Right now, as I write this, State Senator Wendy Davis of Texas is over three hours into a thirteen-hour filibuster intended to derail a Republican effort to pass a law that would "virtually ban" abortion in her state.

There's more about it there. I particularly recommend the last paragraph, that's going to make you understand what Senator Davis is up against (that amount of stupidity shouldn't be allowed!).
There's the live video on the page right now, and the two persons behind Senator Davis have facial expressions that are bothering me.

Let's hope State Senator Wendy Davis is angry enough and well enough to stop these idiots. Good luck to you, Ma'am!

Sunday 23 June 2013

Shades of Bullying

Preliminary note: if you have strong religious beliefs AND you cannot stand having them challenged, click back right now. The house will not accept any whingeing on the topic.

I'm having a weird Sunday, so you'll get to read about it. Lucky you.

In fact, it started a few days ago when I read a list of suggestions for parents on how to help their bullied children. The My issue was that the tips were perfect for parents dealing with a toddler constantly making faces at their toddler - anything along the lines of 'the whole school is posting abuse and lies about your child on a webpage specially created to that effect' wouldn't have been covered by these tips, and I said so (and others agreed with me).

Then, I saw a school staff encourage victims of bullying to disappear from the Internet and be discreet. To protect them? That's what they said, but I saw civil servants afraid of a potential court case (that didn't happen in the US, but the judicial poison seems to be spreading worldwide). What a lesson for young adults: roll over, show your belly and obey - don't fight!

We're getting personal now. Fasten your seat-belt.
I got a message from someone who basically scolded me for asking to not be ignored. *fake gasp* How dare I?!!! That person is allowed to ignore me, but I'm not allowed to say it hurts or to take measures in order to avoid being ignored. 
I wasn't caffeinated when I got that message, so I may have been (*cough* I have!) a tad sarcastic in my answer to that person. If I get an angry answer, I'll clearly point out that reading (and apparently enjoying) my works is not enough and that someone who reads several chapters without saying a single word isn't entitled to get the conclusion of the story - because, the 'but I would have sent a message once I'd read it all' is a lie I've heard a zillion times.
When you get a free sample of something, don't you say thank you? Apply to fictions. Ta. Otherwise you're not entitled to growl at me (especially before tea).
And cherry on that cake: that person came back for more, and tried to demonstrate that I was being unreasonable for keeping the stories' endings to myself whilst saying that they were "complete" (they are complete; all you have to do to get your greedy fingers on them is... to talk to me. *gasp* The horror! One cannot go on ignoring the author and just read and never comment positively - or negatively. That's too muuuuuuuuuuuuuuch!!!).

That letter to the editor that I had a hard time managing to send (reminder there) was published, which is something that I discovered by chance.
I had to go hunt for that thing on the newspaper's website. Too bad I didn't copy my letter (that shall be a lesson!) before I hit 'Send', because I'm nearly sure that there's a bit missing.
Well, I was basically saying that I was disappointed with the newspaper for publishing the bigoted letter of a reader who was criticizing a columnist I adore for daring to say something unbecoming, according to that pious reader, about Jesus. 
I also added that too many Christians do play victims so that almost no one dares to confront them (they do tend to shout 'Bully!' first in order to use that as a shield).
Now, my browser is acting up a bit - and the newspaper's website has a search function that's not helping, so I got to read only two answers to my reaction - basically saying that I was way more bigoted than the first shocked reader. The two answers came from... Come on... Make a guess... Yes! Christians.
So, instead of telling me 'Whatever!' or even liberally paraphrasing Marty McFly: 'She's an asshole! I don't care what de Lanor says. And I don't care what anybody else says, either', I got called more bigoted than the bigot, and intolerant, and basically childish.
How would they have reacted if I'd written that historically, we've got no proof whatsoever that Jesus existed? That there's no reason to get their underwear in knots over someone who didn't exist and who's supposed to have a Fairy-in-the-sky genitor? 
They'd be howling at the moon (good timing, we've got the super moon tonight).
Honestly, all I read was patronising words with a 'Bully!' shouted in the background.
I've got exactly the same contempt for all religious people who shout that they're right and that their beliefs must be respected. Er... no.
You can believe anything that pleases you, but the minute you say 'You can't say anything about my religion, you nasty bully!', I'll be there, smirking, and saying, 'Keep dreaming.'

I was born in a Roman Catholic family. As a young adult, I converted to a variety of Protestantism. Two years ago, I apostatized.
I'm no longer afraid. I don't need to lie to myself that I'm going to go somewhere after death; there's nothing after we die, and there's no need to cling to lies and fairy tales.
As a trained historian, I see the facts.
As a teacher, I can spot bullies. I'm going to be lenient and say that most of the light-bullies don't even see what they're doing, but they are bullies - and I'll be damned (figure of speech!) if I let them go away with that.
Would these particular Christians defend other religions? Would they prevent someone for saying anything about Muhammad or Buddha? No.
So, I'm very sorry (by now, you know what I mean), but your variety of fairy tale is just as ridiculous as any other. Believe in whatever you want, but if you are offended by mere words and are ready to launch a crusade to defend your Faith, I'll point and I'll say 'Bully!'. And yes, vocal Christians are becoming truly annoying and giving a bad reputation to the ones who read the book and understood the message!

Saturday 22 June 2013

On My Wall of Shame (#5)

I used to like Ireland, but since too many politicos (retired or active) declare that adult women are possessions that can be told what to do with their own bodies because a blob of cells (that is nothing outside of these women) is more important and has more rights than them, I'll refuse to go there until they've reached a humane, civilized, non-bigoted 21st century.

The latest boy to open his mouth is Eamonn Barnes.
Back in 1992, as the director of public prosecutions, he "had a role in the drama that culminated in the landmark X-case judgment. Early that year, a family told gardaí their 14-year-old daughter had been raped by a neighbour and was pregnant. They said they intended to bring her to the UK for an abortion."
That arrogant bigot "referred the matter to the then attorney general, Harry Whelehan. He sought an injunction to prevent the girl leaving the jurisdiction, believing the 1983 amendment required the State to do so to protect the unborn child’s life."

More about his current actions there.

On My Wall of Shame (#4)

Here's another "old" one.
I never forget.
I seldom forgive.

Given orders by the military, this doctor person with a medical diploma obeyed them blindly, and when his victims sued, the case was handed over to a military tribunal. Care to guess the verdict?

Ahmed Adel addressed the media after being cleared of charges relating to the abuse of women arrested in Tahrir Square.

More on the topic there.

Dr Ahmed Adel addresses the media after being cleared of charges

On My Wall of Shame (#3)

If you take a look at the date on this one, you'll see that I've been thinking about this Wall of Shame for a long time...
It's probably my allergy to stupidity and pettiness that makes me react that way.
Because it's so bloody "Christian" to deny communion to a woman who'd just lost her mother. Congratulations to Father Marcel Guarnizo for being a nosey and heartless bigot!
Here's the article that goes with it.

Friday 21 June 2013

Warning to the World about the Fête de la Musique

So, you think a Music Festival on the first day of summer is a good idea?
So did I. In the beginning. Until the bar in front of my flat invited amateur musicians who make my ears bleed.
Now... it's true that I worship Mozart, but... I love all music - from Gregorian hymns to heavy metal. But I decide the type of music I'm going to listen to (I'm not going to a Dir En Grey concert if I'm in the mood for some Leonard Cohen - and vice versa).
Oh, I remember being excited about everybody being allowed to play music anywhere in France on June 21st, but now it's mostly a patchwork of cacophonies.
There are currently three bands in my street (and two not twenty metres apart!).
Since I've read that more and more cities are thinking of adopting the Fête de la musique, allow me to give you a glimpse of your future: (sorry about my voice, I still have a sore throat from the cold I caught a fortnight ago)

Are you sure you want to live with that kind of noise for hours on end, no way to escape and no way to complain (it's legal up to midnight - whether you want to sleep, or you need to sleep - and if you do complain, people will say that you're an old twat who doesn't know how to have fun / funnily enough, my fun doesn't include bugging perfect strangers, but then again, I wasn't raised in a barn).
Remember. It looks like a good idea - on paper.
Choose... wisely.

On My Wall of Shame (#2)

Sometimes, it's not about politics. 
It's about the boys standing together.
Because one cannot change something that is so wrong that the rest of the world is looking down on the entire US military for abandoning their own soldiers.
So, Senator Carl Levin supported military brass in deciding to drop a proposal by Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand, another Democrat.

If you'd like to read more on the topic, go there.

On My Wall of Shame (#1)

Because enough is enough, I give you my own Wall of Shame.
I read this:

Of course, Mr Justice Garrett Sheehan understands the victim's ordeal, but... the culprit will NOT go to jail. How could this be Justice? The culprit is getting away with it, and the victim has to thank this judge:

On My Wall of Praise (#1)

I honestly do not know if U.S. District Judge Edward R. Korman is a feminist, a good man, or just a man of Law doing his job, but when he stood on the side of science instead of the political side, he did a very good thing for the entire world.
If you want to read more on the topic, go there.

Walls of...

For the past few days, I've been wondering if it was such a good idea to 'name & shame' and 'name & praise', but right now, I've just read the official comment of a school that wants their bullied students to delete photos: "we will take steps to recommend students remove words or images that they place online that could compromise their safety or that of other students at the school." No. No, no, NO! You tell the bullies to wash their tongues with soap, locate their brains, grow up and act like human beings, not slave owners!

Earlier today, I had to write a comment on a forum to tell a charming bloke that being cute and patient isn't the way to confront a bully.

Since I started growling, I'll go on growling. And when someone makes me smile for having done something good and fair and just, I'll share, as well.


Thursday 20 June 2013

What's That Novel?

I need help. Really. It's driving me nuts, and search engines aren't helping, so... I need your help.
There's that book I read years ago (it was a loan from my [H]ex from Hell, and I can't ask him what it was), and I can't remember the title or the author  - well, otherwise, I wouldn't be blogging about that... of course.

So, it's science fiction.
It's about a man who finds something (I can't remember what - a machine? A lamp? A magical snail? That's in a complete blur) that allows him to make wishes/make dreams come true.
I can't remember what the first one is, but I think it was something silly and selfish.
He discovers that the 'wish time' gets reduced each time (if Wish #1 lasted for one day, Wish #2 lasts for one hour - or something like that).
At one point, the hero turns into a woman (because he was curious) and he lets his Asian dry-cleaner (or something) take her to bed (because he was curious).
In the end, he's left with a one second wish, and he grants everybody one wish, which leads to some odd situations.

Rings any bell????????????????????????????

Sunday 16 June 2013

A Twisted Experiment

I'm planning to do something that, I hope, will be interesting, barmy and generally good fun.
And I'm planning to share everything with you.

The test subjects: my neighbours.
I live in a capital, but my street is like a small village, and most of the old guard there has known me for all my life (which, in their minds, allows them to still treat me like a little girl - big mistake, as we shall demonstrate in the next paragraph).

The experiment: a wig.
My hair's very, very long (we're talking below my waist here) and dark red. Today, it's dark red thanks to henna because, since I caught the virus that blocked my nerve VII, I've been de-pigmenting quite a lot.
I've found a nice (and cheap!) wig. It's blond (white/blond) and quite short.
Since I'm rather fed up with the henna, I've decided to use the wig... and that's bound to make my beloved neighbour freeze and stare and comment and... many other things that I can't imagine just yet.

Of course, some of them may surprise me, but... I know them.
I'll share their reactions with you. I hope the Guinea pigs in my life lab will be entertaining.

Hidden Treasures

Merlin knows why, but I caught a sort of Spring Cleaning bug, and for the past week, I've been spending most of my time moving various pieces of furniture, cleaning around, doing some much needed DIY and re-organizing the Asian soup boxes (very useful, and I eat a lot of those) where I stock my old papers.

I'm quite tired, and my muscles are protesting, but... I'm gaining a lot of space.
Re-organizing the cupboard in my corridor and most of the boxes that I'd put away, I found a few treasures (well, to me at least).
I read again my old school diaries. Bottom line, I was a HUGE Trekkie. :)
I've found the envelope and letter that came with the one signed photo of Leonard Nimoy that I've got (I'd been looking for that one for years).
I located the folder with old plot bunnies that I'd archived my mistake.

All this is taking time from the bunnies, but once that's done, I'll be good for a very, very long time.

Sunday 9 June 2013

Security! Secuuuuuuuuuuuuuriiiiiiiiity!

Call me paranoid (that's my third name: Drusilla Stubborn Paranoid de Lanor), but I've got a hard time trusting some people, groups, institutions or programmes.
I'm wired that way. Deal with it.

I find it utterly scary to see people surrendering private info in the blink of an eye... Or taking things at face value.
Let me explain. Two things happened in the last two days.

First, my council estate is going through a few works. They're changing the staircase doors and the old entry phone system (not a security thingy as they claim; they just want to raise the rent. Full stop).
Having a door that hasn't got a key? That's bound to be messy, but when I raised objections, someone made fun of me (I'm currently praying all the gods I can think of [atheist here, so that's just a figure of speech; ta, muchly!] that that person will end up stuck with a non-cooperative door one day - just to show that I was right to be wary).
The new entry phone system? Linked to the tenants' phones.
A - everyone's supposed to have a landline now (I do, for work, and I'm ex-directory - for a very good reason that's no one's business but mine... so I'm not giving it just to anyone who asks - and when I did ask who would store my number, no one could answer me!)
B - everyone's supposed to have a mobile these days (hell, no!!!)
Since I only have a non-mobile phone, I asked what would happen if there was someone at the door whilst I was chatting with someone for work (I don't have the enquiry call function). I got a blank stare and no answer.
Since my phone's for work, I didn't give any number, and I find myself in limbo (I can see them twisting my arm into surrendering my number in the end).

Apparently, I'm the only one who asked questions, and I overheard neighbours last Friday who were "delighted" with the new doors because it's "so much better". It is not better, and we'll get to pay for the improvements (that are nothing but red herrings).
I wanted to smack them and tell them to wake up and spot the trap.
People can be sooooooooooo gullible.

Speaking of annoying things, I caught one webpage (another one) that made my blood boil (again).
First, I tweeted, but my anger was bigger than that, and so, for the first time I clicked on a link to post a comment on a newspaper's page.
It was through Disqus, and I clicked the "Connect with Twitter" thingy. And then, it wanted me to surrender my timeline to their stats and reposts and well... everything but my DMs and password! How kind of them!
I have nothing to hide, but I don't want them to monitor everything I do on Twitter just because I want to yell at a twat in one comment.
I had a few bird names for them, closed the window (with more bird names), and I decided to write to the editor... And that was another circus: they wanted my name (normal - they got it), my postal address (for an e-letter? Sure... I may have given them my cousins' in... not the country where I reside right now), my e-mail (normal - they got it), and my phone number (for an e-letter? Sure... I may have given them... erm... some phone number *cough*).
Between the topic that prompted me to blow a fuse and the tone of my letter, I'll never hear from them again.
Drat!!!!!!!!!! Note to self: if there's a next time, copy your letter and post it here, you silly girl!

Anyway, it's rather disturbing to have to surrender so many things to be allowed to join the playground - and people do it without asking why.
My phone number to open the door? There you go.
My blessing to see who my friends are, what I tweet and who I follow? Yes, of course!
My phone number and postal address to be allowed to send you an e-letter? Be my guest.

Of course, we have to trust some people/groups/businesses/whatever, but I'd really like my fellow Earthlings to behave a lot less like sheeple.
But they're never going to do the work not being a sheeple demands (tooooooooooo tiring, too hurtful for the brain).
One just has to look at the success, for example, of the TSA brainwashing, to realize that things are pretty bad worldwide... 


Paper Cranes (More Cover Tests & a Snippet)

I'm still working on the cover, but it should look like this:

Which one gets your vote?

Oh, and since I'd promised you, aeons ago, to show you the first page, here it is:

Drusilla de Lanor
Paper Cranes

Dramatis Personae

Prologue and Epilogue
Character dressed in white

First Story
The young girl
The Madame
The old monk
The young boy
A servant
The sea captain
A few sailors

Second Story
The young wife
The abbot
The abbot’s apprentice
Two old ladies
The sea captain

Third Story
The mayor’s daughter
The monk
The constable
The mayor, a retired sea captain
The local priest
A few villagers
The inn-keeper
The inn-keeper’s servant

The stories take place in an imaginary feudal country composed of several islands.

Notes: the “curse of the invaders” that is described here as some of the characters having green eyes can be replaced with a white wig (or any improbable hair colour) or some particular make-up. It’s supposed to be something physical, visible, but it’s merely a symbol of difference, as such, anything can replace it.

Saturday 8 June 2013

And Now, For Something Completely Different

[Yes, got to love Monty Python!]

A sign that spring might be here for real (for a few weeks, before summer starts - officially, that is) is that I'm currently visited by my spring cleaning bug.
The main "victim" is the living room, where I'm planning drastic changes (there's an old battered sofa that might not survive this year's changes).
Apparently, it's DNA-related because others in my family suffer from that "condition".
Well, I can live with that, and I'm planning to optimize the space (hopefully).

In other news, I've decided to start a Wall of Shame and a Wall of Praise. I read an article today that made my blood boil, and I decided that enough was enough, and some bipeds deserved to be named and shamed.

In additional news, the telly is "bad" for my plot bunnies: I watched a documentary about Henry VII, and now I've got a nagging plot bunny that would like to imagine what the world could be like if Prince Arthur hadn't died and had become king after his father instead of his younger brother Henry.
The plot bunny is probably helped by the fact that my PhD was about something in the Renaissance, and I can probably write this without having to look for too many things to make the plot plausible... As if I needed another big plot bunny... or I keep that idea for a play...
So many possibilities. *adds the plot bunny to the writing pot*

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Goodvert in the 21st Century (Redneck Comments Edition)

I'd vaguely heard something about a commercial that was being criticized for idiotic reasons, but I hadn't seen it (wrong side of the pond + I seldom watch commercials (I'm the Empress of screening at the speed of light) + I no longer eat cereals, so why would I pay attention to a commercial trying to promote a cereal brand?).

Now... I've seen it, and it perfectly fits my definition of 'goodvert', because it's funny and it's so incredibly cute that it works (as I said, I'm no longer eating cereals, but if I were... I'd be checking their boxes at my supermarket).
Am I mentioning that just for the sake of sharing it with you? Not only. It turns out that some bipeds commented on the video saying that, I paraphrase, it was a disgrace, a shame, a thing that should be deleted and hidden in a dark cave, twenty miles under a mountain - or something.
'Why?' you ask.
Simply because <insert fake, bored gasp here> it presents a family with a white mama, a black daddy and their mixed daughter. The horror! In 2013!

Well, here it is:

In my book, that's just... cute, and if we consider the amount of idiotic commercials out there, that one is refreshing.
Yet, bipeds complained about it because... 'Yuk! Interracial family! Yuk!'
These bipeds have brains firmly glued at the bottom of the dark cave of their tiny minds.
I could tell them that this is the 21st century, and it's time for them to stop thinking that they can bring Segregation back.
I could even tell them that interracial isn't a dirty word, and that children of mixed heritage are stronger, cute and the future of this sad rock.
I could...
I'll just add a lil' song, because being nice doesn't pay (& my allergy to stupidity is spiking up today):

Sunday 2 June 2013

I Can See You............................

[I'm not talking about my counter's pet-name.]

I've got a TED video with the astounding Amanda Palmer to offer you:

Excellent, isn't it?

Now, would it be too much to ask the silent ones amongst you to not just 'Click&Run' and talk to me? 
Of course, I'm not going to disappear if you don't say a word (more 'type a comment', but I'm sure you get the drift), but it'd be great to share and to communicate. Don't you think?
I come from a corner of the Internet where there used to be chats and it was very nice, and I must admit that, yes, I miss that...

Panem et... Rules

Confession time (sort of). On telly, I like documentaries and concerts and ballets and plays and series. I like things that have a schedule - not because they have a schedule and I'm a control freak; it's just that I'm like that.
Now... when it comes to sports, I like a few things: sumo and the Oxford-Cambridge boat race, which are (well, except if you add one idiot in the Thames) rather scheduled events.
I'm old enough to remember a time when all TV schedules were respected to the letter, even if a match or game of <insert any variety of sport here> wasn't finished. Today, let's face it, with the money sponsors are putting into televised sports events, channels do not stop broadcasting football, rugby, tennis or pillow-throwing (in case you're wondering, yes, I'm being sarcastic because I'm tired and angry) because there's just too much money in it for them.
The hordes of sheeple are just too happy because they need to see the results immediately. 
Couldn't channels schedule sport events differently and plan for a possible delay to the following programme? No, because it'd mean planning (and I'm not sure they're good enough to plan this far) and it'd mean a short programme to show if the match ended on time, and that'd mean spending money. So, basically, channels today all hope that all sports events are going to end on time, and if not... to hell with the (paying!!!) people who are waiting for the programme that's scheduled after the game.
I know that there's no 'One person’s freedom ends where another's begins' in this case because we're talking about channels that want to make money without too much work; quality and respect mean nothing to these bipeds, so their behaviour is not surprising at all.

What I find utterly annoying is that, if you dare to complain, let's say because the play you're planning to watch is delayed by some sport, you'll have some sheeple (and not necessarily sports fans, which is just a bit rich!) who will make fun of you... because 'you react like my nan when her favourite soap is late', because 'it's not important'.
Basically, you're treated like a childish pain in the neck because you dare to complain.
I say 'Hold it right there, mate!'. 
Yes, all right, it's not the end of the world, but why should it be wrong (when I pay for a service! Let's not forget that!) to expect my 9pm play to start at 9pm, not 9:15pm or even 9:35pm?
This is just entertainment (even if I pay for it), but I'm afraid it reveals a much deeper problem in some sheeple's attitudes. According to them, why bother with schedules? We've got TV schedules, but they're not carved in the rock.
This is exactly the kind of sheeple who will growl if imposed a deadline at work (Oh, the horror!).
But at the same time, this is exactly the kind of sheeple who will howl at the moon if their train or tube or plane is NOT on schedule.
Because, let's face it, if you want your train to be on time, I'm allowed to dream that my play is not going to be delayed by half an hour. Fair enough, no? Of course, our dear sheeple will growl that I'm being a pain in the neck, and that it's not the same.
I'm not advocating to always behave like sad dictators (a delay of a couple of minutes isn't too dreadful), but schedules and planning are made for a good reason. Not respecting them is an open door to... chaos? In the very long term - possibly. But it's immediately an open door to mediocrity and laziness.
Am I being harsh? Not in my book. Sorry (and as usual, when I say 'Sorry')...

I could blame this entry on my being feverish, but... No. I'm being myself, and I'm just saying, stating and typing what I think.
Besides, I've just caught someone barking at the world because of something minor - apparently, one is not allowed to express sadness if one feels sad, and that was a bit of a last straw.
I've got colourful names coming to my mind, but I'll refrain from typing them...