Friday 15 December 2017

Music Time! The Buggles - Video Killed The Radio Star (Live 2004)

Okay. This is "fluffier" than my previous post...

Winter News

Work is a bit mad these days, and I'm oddly tired.
Perhaps what happened to me yesterday was exacerbated by my exhaustion... I don't know. What happened was that, last summer I'd mentioned to a relative a plot for a comedy that had popped into my head, and - for once - the answer was, 'Oh, that sounds interesting!', so I stored the idea in my "plot bunny pen" (aka the idea folder on my computer) and I let it grow.
This month, the comedy plot bunny managed to tackle me, and I wrote the play. It may not be unforgettable, but it's a good comedy... which is going to stay in my desk drawer.
Last night, I was talking about my current Sci-Fi plot with the same relative, but this time, I got a 'You're really weird you know. Not in a good way.'.
I usually brush off my relatives' negativity because I know why they're being so manipulative and such bullies... Sometimes, their words hit where it really hurts (last year, I ended up being so hurt that I stopped everything, and it was my brother who convinced me to not stop writing).
So, last night, I decided that my relatives wouldn't get to see the new play. Ever... and I don't know what I'll do with it in the long run.

On top of everything, I was listening to the radio last night, and a song I'd forgotten made me cry.
It's the chorus that got me (roughly translated it goes 'Each new day is a day too many. I'm about to collapse'). 
Truly beautiful song, but it broke my heart.
I still miss Him. I'll always miss Him.

PS: I'm really not looking forward to Christmas with the family...