Monday 22 July 2013

Haiku Time!

Long time, no haiku.
This time, inspired by my "kitten" who plopped down (not entirely elegantly) from our lime tree the other day, I give you:


The black cat,
Like a caterpillar,
Dropping from a tree

©Drusilla de Lanor [July, 22nd, 2013]

Sunday 14 July 2013

Quantum Problem (Still about Kittens)

I could have a good look at the nest made by the Last Daughter this afternoon. That was how I got to meet Quark (yes, I name all kittens and cats - even if they're not mine and I see them only a few times; that's what I do. Full stop).
And that's when my loathing for the imaginary people came back.
Schrödinger is MIA (and, let's face it, most probably KIA).
Last night, I didn't describe Schrödinger (it was mostly white) to my family, so this morning, when Quark, who's mostly black, was spotted, we had a silly misunderstanding.

I feel terrible for not locating the nest last night (then again, at 1am, it would have been Mission: Impossible), but Schrödinger would not have ended as an owl burger after only a few days on earth if his mama had been neutered.

There are too many useless bipeds where I'm currently staying.

Quantum Physics Update (May Contain Kittens)

Here are news from the Last Daughter (a.k.a.: New Mama).
She's just clumsy, and her kittens (number to be determined later in the afternoon, but they're at least two) are great adventurers (the lil' one I met yesternight was about two yards from the nest, and its eyes aren't open yet!).
Well, the baby is alive and with the Last Daughter, and... I've unofficially named it Schrödinger (don't ask how my brain works, you'd run away screaming, scarred for life).

That's all, Readers!
*goes back to typing*

It's Not Quantum Physics...

This is a post about idiotic bipeds who cannot take care of a pet properly.
Let's talk about imaginary people (not people I know and I have to refrain from Gibbs-smacking because they deserve it every other time they open their mouths - no, not at all, and you do realize that I'm going to growl about people I do know, though the situation applies to the whole category of plonkers). Let's say that; not knowing a single thing about cats, they adopted a kitten because their offspring wanted a cat oh-so-much, and it turns out the kitten is female.
Did the kitten win a trip to the vet when she became old enough to become a beacon for all the full male cats around? Nope... They wanted her to know the joy of motherhood.
A- she's not a biped with longings.
B- they can't frelling use the Internet to find tips to take care of their pet

Grown-up kitten has a first litter, a second, and a third. The resulting kittens from the third litter are quickly sent ad patres, and therefore, grown-up kitten, who's not stupid, takes to hiding her kittens until they're old enough to fend for themselves.
Half a bonus point for the bipeds, when they got most of the kittens adopted, and in the end, they got grown-up kitten neutered (they must have finally registered that it was more expensive to feed the hordes of cats than have mama finally meeting the vet).

My family had to learn how to properly care for our cats, but neutering our cats has always been one of the first things that happened to our feline friends (better for them and for us) - and since the operation is more expensive for a female than for a male, yes, we've adopted and rescued more males than females. Guilty as charged.

Why am I growling now? About imaginary people?
Maybe because the last daughter of grown-up kitten was old enough to become a mama in her turn and there's a tiny meowing kitten in our garden and I don't know if she's super clumsy or if she's abandoned it. I'm not even sure they noticed that the last daughter was expecting kitten(s).
These imaginary people are quietly sleeping, oblivious that a kitten needs its mama or is dying - and I cannot tell you how much I loathe such imaginary people because I may not know a whole lot of things, but, when you let your pets wander in the country, it's not quantum physics to take them to the vet to be neutered - and if you can't afford it, you do not take a pet.
Frelling stupid not so imaginary people!

Friday 12 July 2013

Quick Summer Update

Yep... Not blogging much, I know. I miss you, too (99.9% of you may be silent, but I see you click, guys - *mwaha*).
It's that time of the year when I'm stuck being slaved à la Potter; and therefore, I'm usually too tired to blog (and that's when the netbox doesn't hiccough madly or I end up being stuck in the garden, looking for my flat-raised kitty who's hiding in the bushes).

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut... I'm writing. I've been typing quite a few pages of Death in My District and Muff&Sherly (that bunny finally decided to talk to me).
I'll have more to say very soon (it's rather good, as well, that the state of the world hasn't made me angry up to a point where I had to growl [if I missed something big, don't tell me! Ta! ;)]. It's too bad I haven't found something so fluffy and happy that I had to share with you... Soon, hopefully...
I can feel a music post coming soon (I'd written two posts about my past, but they were so dark and sad that I decided to let them remain unpublished - some cheerful music will be better for us all).

Right... Got to go kill some weeds and brambles and nettles - and I mean to win that war.

Have fun, be nice, read good books and see you soon!

Saturday 6 July 2013

On My Wall of Shame (#6)

Oh, she's not the only Irish politico currently attempting to keep the Irish women in the 11th century, but it really hurts more to be betrayed by a "sister".

Minister of State for European Affairs Lucinda Creighton is a barrister. Since she wants to bully women into not having an abortion (even if they don't want to be pregnant), she 'has proposed a “care pathway” for women presenting as suicidal involving the formulation of a “suicide prevention algorithm” by a psychiatrist.
If a woman is “still expressing suicidal ideation” after various assessments are carried out, she should be entitled to focused therapy in her home including “dialectical behaviour therapy”, according to Ms Creighton.'
Basically... chickenshit (known to civilians as complete utter bullshit).
I'm seriously angry - and disappointed.

Against abortion? Don't have one! And if that is toooooooooooo complicated for you, you've got no business being involved in politics and making choices for people you don't even know.

If you want to read more on the topic, go there.


Tuesday 2 July 2013

On My Wall of Praise (#3)

With the sad number of horror stories when pets are involved and silly bipeds either overreact or are sociopaths in disguise, I'm delighted to share this with you:
Officer Dan Waskiewicz was called to deal with a "vicious" dog, but it turns out the bipeds around were scared, silly or petty.
The awesome Baltimore police officer helped the dog, drove him to a shelter, and........... ended up adopting him.
There's more about them there.

Look at them right after the rescue:

And now, all together.... Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!