Sunday 30 October 2016

Watercolour for My Bunnies

Pfft! Who needs to sleep when there are so many plot bunnies, edition bunnies and drawing bunnies? Um, who???

Here's a lil' something I did for Muff&Sherly 2:

Of course, it'll have to go through tons of filters when we print it...

Saturday 8 October 2016

That Kind of Day, Eh?

I don't understand why so many bipeds feel the need to be so petty... and it's a festival on Earth these days.
There's a failed con artist with a fake tan, who got a million from his daddy to start a business (and who managed to lose almost a billion (!!!!!) in a year years later) who's trying to make gullible people believe that he could manage a country (when he's never been properly involved in politics before) - and he's just been caught on tape gloating that he's a predator.
There are politicos who help make money, thanks to all the horrors going on in the Middle East, whilst other politicos, in a kind of remake of the 1930s would like to know where the aliens are working in their country.
All that makes my blood boil, and today... the ugliness got personal (as I've lost a friend).
That this person has been forgetting my birthday (we're supposed to be good friends) for a decade... No problem. It's not that important (even though that person didn't forget to wish a "Happy birthday!" to... a sports coach met once a week for a few months).
That I'm always the one who has to keep in touch... I'll make the effort. No problem.
That this person played deaf when I talked about breaking down and thinking about suicide. No problem. It's my burden (and I understand it's not easy to know what to say [though a hug would have been frigging nice]).
That this person acted as if nothing happened when I said that I'd apostatised... Still not a problem.

My health is yo-yo'ing again, so I don't have time for pettiness (I've got fever, headaches, and most of my joints hurt, which is pretty scary - and painful).
As well, I'm drawing the line at pseudo-jokes.
I've never bought the 'I'm telling you something horrible, but I'll pretend it's a joke so you can't be mad at me'. People use 'I'm joking' when they've pushed you over the cliff, but they don't want the witnesses to tell the coppers what really happened.
I don't particularly enjoy having to get rid of knives in my back - and today's incident left me with my lower jaw on the floor, coz I didn't expect to be told something so low about my life - especially not from someone who I thought was a friend, but friends don't disparage you, your beliefs or your life.
I do have good friends who are lovely and kind, Merlin be praised. I won't be able to forget (or forgive) what that person told me, wrapped in a pseudo-joke, and I'm done being the only one making all the efforts. 

I'm nice, but life's too short.

Less pettiness, more empathy.