Saturday, 3 May 2014

Titles for My "Muff&Sherly - The Annotated Edition" Series

As I said before (and I know it's odd), I can't start working on a story until I've got a working title.
Since I've planned nine stories about Muff and Sherly, I'm going to need nine titles.
The first story's done, so the title's no longer an issue, but the eight others were driving me nuts (you'll see why in a few lines).
So... I looked at what I was planning for each story, at which character's going to tell the tale (each story gets a different character being the main "voice"), and, for the moment, here's the list:

Muff&Sherly – The Annotated Edition

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First story, mainly narrated by Investigator Sherly Whats

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Second story, mainly narrated by Princess (and Investigator) Cinpirella Bright-On (that was Nandoka)


Third story, mainly narrated by Captain Amanda Stewart

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Fourth story, mainly narrated by Princess (and Secretary) Mabalane Bright-On

- V - 

Fifth story, mainly narrated by Inspector James Kipling

- 6 -

Sixth story, mainly narrated by Investigator Muff Schlemazel

- שבע -

Seventh story, mainly narrated by the infamous mosca Doree Faure

- 여덟 - 

Eighth story, mainly narrated by Detective Inspector Knoght Why

- नौ - 

 Ninth story, mainly narrated by President Mumpsimus Arkhos

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