Sunday, 10 January 2016

A Spot of Art News

No, not about the plot bunnies. though I can tell you that they're all healthy.
As well, the publishing triumvirate I joined is steadily moving towards the official launch of our business and website (I'll brag about it when everything's online).

Today... I'm here to talk about my paintings.
I'm not about to start working on a new one, but I've found a way to have them ready to hang that doesn't involve a frame...
Mysterious enough?
Are you intrigued?
If you are nodding in front of your screen, thank you. I'll keep you posted, and I'll show you as soon as possible. I started working on one painting, but it'll only be ready to hang about next week.
My idea isn't that extraordinary, but it definitely solved the issues I had with potential frames.
You'll see...

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