Thursday, 5 June 2014

Official Statement

Apparently, this needs to be said, so...

I'm not God.

I'm not a seer either, incidentally.

It's said, typed, posted, out in the open.
Why do I have to state that I'm neither God nor a seer? Well, simply because I keep dealing with people who believe that I'm omniscient, that they can NOT tell me things, but that I'll know them nonetheless.
This could be flattering, but it's a potential source of issues:
- at work, I cannot guess stuff if I'm not being kept in the loop (on that head, things are okay where I am now, but once upon a time, I worked with someone who expected me to show at specific meetings even though he'd never told me about said meetings - his secretary usually tackled me in order to prevent me from growling too much)
- in anything else, if you don't talk to me... Not a seer! (I've ordered a book for my Lorca paper last week, and it was delivered on Monday, buuuuuut the interim caretaker didn't put a 'You've got a parcel waiting for you; come and see me!' note in my box; it was when I checked the delivery status that I saw it was supposed to be in my building. That guy wasn't even bothered!!).

That's just a sign of the sorry state of communication, but... Hell! That's annoying.
*goes to print cards denying any divine nature or Delphic ancestry*


Ruan Peat said...

you need to add that your not telepathic either! that's my biggest issue, but I thought you would have guessed I needed the laundry doing for school! and how would I know, well you always do mum!
cats ask so much less of you just your soul!

Lanor said...

Oh, yes! I totally forgot about that one. Drat!
Perhaps you could point out that you're not Spock's little sister - or would that be too cryptic?

Talking about cats... mine is training me quite efficiently (I started shopping for what he prefers to eat, and he now gets a treat a day)... ô.O