Sunday, 15 June 2014

Hopping from Link to Link (Latest Japanese Edition)

Since the counter is turning, I'll assume that you're not all clicking on my posts, reading them diagonally, and clicking back at the speed of light.
This post is about the things I've discovered (or watched again) in the last fortnight.
You may think I'm quite late to the party, or you may discover a thing or two that you'll like, as well (and with this post, I won't have to re-open the same pages on the net again, and again, and again).

So, I give you:

By Shungiku Nakamura (中村 春菊), Junjô romantica (純情ロマンチカ) and Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi (世界一初恋 〜小野寺律の場合〜).
We've got manga and anime for both.
I discovered Junjô romantica by chance, but it's quite moving, and the three couples we meet in these stories all have something special (but you know how I overanalyse everything by now). I'm just half-way through Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi, and I quite like it, but I feel an addiction to Junjô romantica spreading through my brain (it's probably me - note to self: start working on that post explaining how Japanese anime influenced me when I was a child - but there's something in these stories).

Whilst looking for anything about Junjô romantica, I discovered a 2010 film: Junjô (純情). It's delightful, and quite a nice find: you've got romance, twists, love, jealousy, tears, and a final scene that makes me want to give the writer a hug. *zips lips*
The entire cast is awesome, and the two lead actors [Yûta Takahashi (高橋 優太) as Shôsei Kurata and Rakuto Tochihara (栩原 楽人) as Keisuke Tokazi] are absolutely fantastic - *cough* and terribly cute!
I watched this one quite by chance, and because I was curious about the title, but I'm really happy with this discovery, and I highly recommend it.

When I discover a new film or series, I tend to check the other works of the directors, actors, and actresses. I haven't checked Takahashi-san's other works yet... because a famous online encyclopedia provided me with the link to Tochihara-san's blog. Now... I read Japanese suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper slowly (understatement of the millennium, but I'll keep working on it), but his recent posts allowed me to learn that he's currently in Tsuma wa, Kunoichi (妻は、くノ一 a.k.a. My Wife, A Ninja) [Series 2 is "最終章", which means "Final Chapter"].
That's another lovely discovery. I've just found a way to watch that one, but the main character looks absolutely fascinating (and that part of Japanese History is very interesting, as well), so I look forward to diving into that one properly.

According to the same "rules" of link hopping, it seems that Rh Plus is worth investigating. It's got vampires - and some barmy lines and scenes, as well as more serious twists in the plot.

Amongst the things that I revisited these past few days, there's the Japanese version of My Boss, My Hero (マイ★ボス マイ★ヒーロー). It's still mad, cute, completely barmy, and sometimes very moving.
So... that's what I've been watching.
Feel free to add new potential addictions in the comments.............................. 有難う

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