Friday, 21 June 2013

On My Wall of Shame (#1)

Because enough is enough, I give you my own Wall of Shame.
I read this:

Of course, Mr Justice Garrett Sheehan understands the victim's ordeal, but... the culprit will NOT go to jail. How could this be Justice? The culprit is getting away with it, and the victim has to thank this judge:


Ruan Peat said...

I have trouble accepting the lack of input from the wife! does she not know? or care for her sister? Does she want him near her children what ever their needs! the children behavior has got worse since he was jailed, of course, his dad is pond scum! and now he knows it, being back wont solve it!

Lanor said...

Indeed, it's quite astounding.
The way the poor victim keeps being re-victimized is quite sad.
If I were a woman related to the judge, I wouldn't be a happy bunny.