I haven't been around long enough to update the bank situation, but it's so Kafkaesque that I've got to share these adventures with you now...
Do you remember the letter that I got from Bank #3 where someone tried to charge
my dead account for some current running costs? It turns out that it was perfectly "normal"... since I thought that it had been closed since last
August, whilst the final step hadn't been taken, and the account was still on life support.
The advisor, who is still super nice and efficient, rectified everything in thirty seconds.
Lend me a wall, I need to crack my skull!
Oh, and now for something just as Kafkaesque: Bank #1, where I e-mailed my silent and basically uninterested advisor in order to ask her if she still had a trace of my mother's mandate on MY account and she answered about my lost mandate on my MOTHER's account. Can't people read?! [Don't bother answering, I know... I know... Or comment with barmy bank stories of your own]
Since the cherry on the icing on that frigging cake was that she'd used the wrong title to address me in her answer, I grabbed the phone, though I really had another fish to fry that day, and I told her she'd missed the plot.
She did apologize, but that doesn't change the fact that her branch has lost my mother's mandate on my account, which means that were I stuck in hospital for whatever reason, Mother could not use my account in that bank.
December quiz: Guess which account is going dormant again because of an uncaring advisor in an incompetent branch?
I can feel a tiny lil' letter for the manager taking shape in my brain: if they lose their archives that easily (and aren't bothered one bit!), why should we trust them with our hard-won money in the first place?
you'd love it here. I had to move to a tiny credit union because the large banks have this theory that if you don't make over a certain amount (and deposit it all there) the. you should pay a "fee" (read:fine) for bothering them. eventually, folks like me, who account for every cent, would be bankrupted by fees simply for not making enough. pitiful. (tired and worn out, and don't feel like trying very hard to remember my sign in passcode... but it's me: Shannon. aka duckysgirl- funny how I have 3 names here now, and some folks don't bother at all!)
Hi, Shannon! :)
Most bankers need a good Gibbs-smack; they're waaaaay too arrogant.
I wish we had credit unions over here... I'm looking for a new bank, because I really don't like having my eggs all in the same basket. *sigh*
PS: I'll "ship" your bunny order tonight when I'm back from work. ;)
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