If I were President of Earth (the measure is already implemented in my empire, because that was the right thing to do), I'd have Strategy classes in all schools from the age of 6.
That'd teach Earthlings to spot manipulators and bullies - and bad politicos (or are they covered with "manipulators"??). Anyway... elementary strategy seems like a good idea to fight against the sheeple problem.
It's a real need, because John and Jane Doe seem to not notice how their Liberty is eroded one millimetre at a time.
In the wake of the recent events in France, local politicos have been taking emergency measures - strategy reading of this: they must be seen doing something (even if that's just following the script that the bad guys are expecting - if I were President of Earth, I'd do something so unexpected that the bad guys would freeze long enough to be tackled by the good guys I'd have sent; and yes, I know what I would do).
As well, we're assaulted by pseudo-specialists on telly who yell that you're a bad Republican if you don't obey blindly (that started two days after the attacks) - and the politicos are already in election-mode (ballots casting in 2016 and 2017!).
As well, we're fed pseudo-polls that say that over 80% of the population is in favour of the increased security measures - strategy reading: if you seem to be against the additional security measures, you'll appear to be a minority, and that's not safe (in clear: we're going to make you stay silent by scaring you with invented or twisted polls).
Over the past days on Twitter, I spotted this:

It's rather accurate, if scary.
There are good articles on the topic here (about political sheeple passing laws in emergency), here (about the testimony of an ex-hostage of the plonkers), or here (about the manipulation and lies amongst the bad guys themselves).
There are good articles on the topic here (about political sheeple passing laws in emergency), here (about the testimony of an ex-hostage of the plonkers), or here (about the manipulation and lies amongst the bad guys themselves).
And from the 18th century, there's the infamous: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
I'm currently growling because of a detail. A little something. A bloody millimetre.
You see, when I go to work, we've got two guards at the door now, and I've got to show my badge - and open my handbag.
Legally, the guards have no special power over me. I open my bag because I'm a nice gal (and I need to go to work, and I can't wait for the coppers to show at the door to check my bag), but... the guards are forbidden to touch my bag. "Visual inspection", and that's it.
Of course, the bloke who checked my bag the past days puts his hand on the side of my bag - and he's doing that with everybody (I witnessed it myself and I asked my students).
I may end up being in trouble, but if I deal with the same bloke next time, I'll ask his boss to send him back to training.
If I allow this millimetre to escape me, what next? Registering as a slave for the bad guys? Allowing a male in a blue shirt to check if I'm hiding anything inside my body?
Sweet something. The bad guys must be laughing... but not for long. I'm going to defend all my legal millimetres, and I'll let no one limit my Liberty - it's already tough enough being a gal on this planet. I don't need more plonkers to bully me.
I feel like taking my favourite towel and raising my wand to get a lift home (yes, mixing fandoms. Problem?).
Have you thought about a mouse trap, and 'oh that's where I put it!' when it goes snap, and then follow up with 'but your not supposed to be putting your hands in our stuff just visually checking it?'
Or maybe a sanitary item that is sticky and sticks to his hand? :-)
my passive aggressive side demands humour!
I would hold my bag out but out of his reach and make a fuss! esp as you have not just started working there, or are an unknown!
I would also get it in writing that it is a visual check and hit him with the piece of paper if he tries it on.
Because we have added potential fear, does not mean we have to accept a loss of liberty, so there. (still recon a mousetrap would help)
I love your mouse trap idea (all the more since I can smell a rat in these changes - lousy pun, sorry!), but he's "just" putting his greedy fingers on the opening of my bag - no proper spot for a trap (then again, if he'd been diving in my bag, I'd have called the coppers and made a proper scandal already).
You gave me ideas, though: I could stand far from him and proclaim that I've caught the flu. No?
I'll try that tomorrow... and I'll report (10/1 that it'll be a different team and everything will go smoothly and legally?).
These plonkers aren't good for my PTSD. ô.O
You could snuffle sneeze into a grotty tissue then stuff it in the top of your bag as you arrive ;-) doubt any would want to put their hand in your bag then even on it would give them pause :-).
Keep your head up and remember when you start your own government you can make jobsworths and bullies the toilet cleaners and refuse men of the society!
Keep the broadband turned down and the kitty purrs turned up to max!
There are possibilities. ^_^
Now that the bloke with sticky hand has bugged me, he wasn't there today... but I'll be careful - and ready to protect all my millimetres.
I'm going to need kitty purrs, indeed.
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