Thursday, 30 July 2015

Windows 10?

And there's yet another OS coming to the market.
And we've got IT journalists telling us what's new, what's good, what's bad about it.
And we've got muppets commenting on the articles written by the aforementioned journalists and telling us that they've been testing that OS for months, and we should feel honoured to be able to get a new, better OS.


Dear Microthingy and Microthingy employees,

here's the list of what I want on my computer:
1 - the ability to customize everything, like we could do with XP, because your pre-made jokes that you call "Customization" just aren't enough for me.
2 - the possibility to DEACTIVATE auto-arrange without needing to install a crack for it. No, boys, you don't know best. I need to be able to put my work files where I want them inside my folders. Alphabetical order doesn't work for me.
3 - the possibility to save my files and create an image for my computer. I know, it's in the machines up to Windows 8. It's with 8.1 that you fucked up on that (I'm not buying an external hard drive to please your bullying tendencies, but be warned that if the lack of image for the system fucks my work computer, I'll get the Voodoo dolls out).
4 - Full compatibility for my old programmes (I've been with you for a long time, don't even try to go 'bohica' on me).

In option:
- the possibility to get rid of the whole "Metro" feeling could be good. You see, I work on my computer, I don't play games or chat or whatever with it, so having all that crap in a sub-folder that I'd never activate would be pretty cool.

Since I'm currently learning to code, I could start thinking that looking at other ways to work on a computer could be a very good idea. You're not too big to fail, guys. Bloody listen to your customers, and don't try to go 'Oh, shinyyyyyyy!' on us.

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