Saturday, 16 May 2015

Brain Betrayal

Since my very first computer, I've always been creating folders that have sub-folders, that have sub-folders, that have sub-folders, and so on and so forth.
They're my creations, so I can navigate them pretty well.
I've got a special folder where I keep my stories, and since one of my desk computers' motherboard died on me without warning, I always make fresh copies of my files on two flash-drives (at least).
When I'm away from my main computer, I use the biggest flash-drive to add my files on guest computers.
I was hacked once (whilst doing research for my fantasy book!), and I lost half a page of work. Since that day, I save a copy of my files before I close my computer down.
In my Sci-Fi folder, I have the file where I paste all my stories, nine files for each story I've planned in this universe, and the file that I use for the story I'm currently writing (I'd pictured big short stories, but Story #1 & #2 grew to be novels; I won't make any prediction about the others, I'll just obey my plot bunnies - it's safer).
In the past days, I've been reading again the second story to make sure that none of my characters's got an extra arm that I added to the plot. So... my brain was focussed on Story #2, and when I opened the file for Story #3, I was convinced that I was dealing with an old copy, and that I'd forgotten to save the few lines I'd started writing a week ago. I really thought that I'd made a mistake somewhere......
Yea... erm... the file for Story #3 has the 'old' version of it, the blueprint for the plot. However... the file I use for the current story (and that would be Story #3, thank you not, dear Brain, for frightening me!) has the right text.
In the future, I'm not ruling out a mistake because of exhaustion or something, but I should give more credit to my OCD and check the right file before I start panicking and wondering what I did wrong.
I've got many plot bunnies to tackle, but when I'm in the mood to write a specific one, I should do that.
Pfft! Plot bunnies... and silly brain cells.

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