Sunday, 12 May 2013

Legal (& PC) Lingo

Oh, I do understand why one now has to say that the obvious, already proven culprit of a crime has to be called the "alleged" culprit, but I'm old enough to remember pre-PC time and a time when it hadn't occurred to actual culprits to sue in order to get money because newspaper "ACV" or magazine "TGH" or channel "RDO" had dared to print or say that they were the culprits before dozens of testimonies and zillions of proof had made a jury declare them guilty of the crime(s) they were standing trial for.
I do understand that.
I also know that some people are declared guilty whilst they're innocent. But, I'm not talking about them... I'm talking about the real bad guys who are caught red-handed and with their lucid victim(s) saying 'That's him/her!'.
I understand that now, until we get the final verdict from the approved jury, we've got to say "alleged" culprit... but that sucks in a few cases.

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