Saturday, 9 February 2013

First Haiku

I've been learning Japanese for a few years now. 
I could chat with people in Japan, shop there, and I usually get the "main plot" on the telly (most of the "sub-plots" are still lost in translation for the moment).
I can type in Japanese (my handwriting will require a few more years to be somewhat decent, but I'll get there), and I can read a few things, but I'll need more training, too (and I'm still a huge fan of furigana).
As long as I'm breathing and I've got brain cells... It'll be okay, and I'll keep learning.

One of the monster stories on which I'm working is something I called Death in My District. It's a Fantasy story that takes place in Japan, and I quite like it.
At one point in the plot, I'm going to need a haiku... so I had to write one.
I think I've managed to write exactly what I want...
[If you're fluent in Japanese and I made a massive mistake, COMMENT and help me! ありがとう!]

Well, here it is:


©Drusilla de Lanor [February, 9th, 2013]

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