Friday, 18 November 2011

Happy Saturnalia... or Something

It's that time of... the year again.
Christmas commercials are coming back on telly, and there's that one company that uses CGI deer (I love deer, but those will drive me absolutely nuts by the end of the Christmas season, and that even if the commercials change each year).
Commercials are bad already, but a lot of shops got the Christmas decoration out (some started that over a week ago, for Merlin's sake!). It's... disturbing. They're starting earlier and earlier, and I might be biased because I'm no fan of that season, but I truly find that ridiculous. Next, we'll have Christmas deco before Hallowe'en.
Marketing's mad.


Duckysgirl said...

you mean you *don't* have Christmas stuff out and interspersed throughout the Halloween costumes?

Lanor said...

Not here, we don't.
Mind you, Hallowe'en is just beginning to really catch here......
Apparently, marketing starts quite early on your side. Oh, my!